Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Empty Room Escape

The game I chose called "Empty Room Escape".

You are stuck in an empty room, there is a metal chair, a mirror with 'SOS' on it, and a tool box with a lock. So first, you investigate the room to escape and you have to collect every items in the room.

You look around and under the chair and you will find a pencil taped under it and a small paper that has something like QR code on. Collect the pencil.

On top of the door, there is a stick. Collect it.

A small paper behind the tool box. Collect the paper.

On one side of the room, the wall has orange wallpaper on, you have to tear the wallpaper out and then you will find two safe in the wall which you need to find the password for. You also got a Morse code notes after you tore the wallpaper.

Then you go back to the tool box and use Morse code on the lock. Then, collect the screw driver and the Rubik's cube. You have to kind of mess around with the Rubik's cube to be able to look at another layer of the tool box. In another of the tool box, there are pliers and a key.

You go back to the metal chair and use the screwdriver to get the screws that attach the chair and the legs apart. Then put the chair's legs part in the holes on the wall to be able to look at the air vent looking thing that has red button in side. Use the pliers you got from earlier to remove the vent so you can push the red button. The red button activates the left safe which has a key in it.

At the mirror's  left bottom edge, there is a thing which you have to use the key you got from the safe to open and inside, there is another screwdriver.

On the wooden floor, one of the plank stick up, you have to use the screwdriver to get the whole plank out. You get a key under the plank. If you tap the plank one more time, it will flip and you will find numbers on it which are -6 -16 +6.

The QR code looking thing under the chair was not actually a QR code. If you look at it carefully, you will see numbers disguise in it which are 2 7 8 5. You use the numbers to open the right safe on the wall. Inside, you will get a magnet and another lock.

You have to combine the magnet and the stick together. On the wall, there is an outlet which you can pop open and it has big hole inside. You use the stick with the magnet to get the key from the hole.

Then, use the pencil to color the small piece of paper that you found earlier to get the hidden words and numbers on the paper which are CLOSE and +17 +6.

On the lock that you got earlier, you apply what you found to it which is CLOSE and then, the moves each letters up and down as many times as the numbers told you to. The numbers you found earlier  are -6 -16 +6 +17 +6. Negative is up and positive is down. After unlock it, you will get another the last key.

You go to the door and there is no hole or anything for keys. What you have left are four keys and a pliers. You have to use the screwdriver to remove the screws from the door handle part. After you removed it, there are four holes for the four keys that you found. Each key has word on them which if combine, it will be E X I T. Use E X I T as the order to put key.


Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Hero Prop Ideas

1. Fish gun

Cute and also shoot liquid.

2. CD gun/ Frisbee soft disk gun

Shoot out CD/ frisbee and slices your enemy into little pieces. 

3.Vet gun/ Paintball gun

Shoot ball that explodes into liquid when touch any surface.

4. Animal dosing gun/ Wash foam gun

Pretty small, shoot foam

5. Cash cannon

Shoot out money and slices your enemy into little pieces. 

6. Wrist gun

Small and cute. Also help increase your grip strength.

7. Paper fan of doom

Slap and smash your enemy with giant fan.

8. Double block automatic gun

Shooting two pistols at once with style.

9. Flame thrower

Set your enemy on fire and watch them burn.

10. Claw trap + pick-up stick

Instead of shooting gun, now you can grab or bite your enemy.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Antarctic Adventure Arcade Game

                   For our programming class, we are remaking arcade game. Mumu and I chose Antarctic Adventure for the game we want to remake. This game has the feeling of racing car game back then since the player needs to move left and right in the game. Player plays as a penguin who needs to reach the next station before times run out. Obstacles on the way are sea lions and ice holes. Player also needs to catch fish that jump out of ice holes for bonus.

                   The game has no ending, when player reaches the last station, the game starts from the first level again. The only different is increased difficulty.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Racing Game Trailer

The racing game trailers that I chose are all from Wii U, Mario Kart8.
I think these trailers are great because they first show the location, environments, landmarks, game play, and stunts. They basically show everything that players need to know before playing game, like what will the player face in the game or what they will do, what is the feeling, mood of the game. The trailers also show interesting camera views and all of them look fun, it makes me feel like I want to play it.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Racing Level HUD

For my racing level, I want my heads up display to have vintage and classy look but still fit the theme which is amusement park.

Below are pictures of my references:

For compositions, I looked at the video games HUD and got some ideas from these references below.

I created my HUD, using Photoshop. Below is a picture of my HUD with picture I found for the background from the internet.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Final Explosive Barrel

For programming class, we finished the explosive barrel project. My barrel is a wood barrel and it has colorful color.

Below are the videos of explosive barrel that I made. This one has no sound because I accidentally turned it off but I like it better.

This one has sound.

Below is a blueprint of the barrel that I made in UE4

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Explosive Barrel!

We are making explosive barrel for our racing games. For my level, the theme is amusement park but the car concept is medieval so what I think will fit in my level is a basic wine or wood barrel.

Below is a reference picture.

Here is my barrel. I imagine this barrel fills with oil or fuel. 

Barrel without texture in UE4

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Racing Level Intro

For Game Design class, we have to find an example of race intro sequence. I chose two levels from Mario Kart8, Wario Stadium and Twisted Mansion.

What I like about Wario Stadium level intro is that the first thing they show is Wario statue. Wario statue is the major landmark and the camera dolly out from it. The camera dolly out shows how big the statue is. Then, the camera dolly in to show off the main tracks. The last thing we will see before the race start is the entrance of the level which show big picture of the level and the cars.

Below is a video of Mario Kart8 - Wario Stadium.

Twisted Mansion shows the same things as Wario Stadium; major landmark, tracks, and entrance. Both intros are really simple and really short about 10 seconds but it makes the players know what is the theme of the level and what they will see in the level.

Below is a video of Mario Kart8 - Twisted Mansion

Monday, February 22, 2016

Particle Research

The theme for my racing level is amusement park so particles that I want to add in the game are fireworks, dripping ice cream, colorful smoke, and some electric burst.


The particle was originally ribbon emitter.

Pink Smoke
The particle was originally fire(burning effect).


Dripping Ice Cream

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Racing Level Design

For Game Design II, we are making racing level. My racing level theme is abandoned zoo. I think it is interesting because zoo has many zones so the player will not feel like it is boring.

The last location is an old building. For the first and the second round of the race, the old building will look like it is going to collapse. For the last round, the old building collapse or explode for cool and epic ending.

Here is the picture of my racing level design.

Landmarks: Zoo Entrance, Big Baobab Trees, Glass dorm, Lion Zone (canyon), Glass Dorm, Old Building

Here are pictures of my early sketches.


Zoo Entrance
Another Zoo Entrance
Baobab Tree
Lion Canyon/ Cave
Old Building

Other references for small landmarks